She is....the CEO of her own company, singer
She lives in Helsingborg. Anette loves to live in the city, but no bigger city than Helsingborg. Her city has appr. 130 000 citizens so that's perfect size for her. She doesn't like to live in a small village where everyone knows her and where she can't be anonymous, so if she would live outside the city it needs to be in the middle of the forest or out by a field.
about her religion:
I am a Christian and I believe in God and Jesus and I pray every day. I go to my church (I live next to it;=) every week to get strength and it gives me peace and strength to carry one every day;=) I have always been Christian and my faith has been there since I was really young and attended church every week. I also sang gospel for many years in my 20s;=) Going to church is wonderful but I appreciate more to go there by myself and pray than to attend the mass. I think whatever we believe in, I think its good to believe in something;=)
shoes from Louis Vuitton, Christian Louboutin, Dior, Gucci and swedish brand, Acne, animated movies (her favourite Coraline),
She is a book-reader and she prefers vampire stories, real-life stories, biographies. She also loves to write herself so that´s a hobby of hers.
Top 5 of books:
She loves all of Paolo Coelhos books, Harry Potter books, Twilight books and True Blood books. She loves Paolo Coelho for his wise words. Her favourite Disney character is Nemo.
Her favorite book writer at the moment (2011)
Veronica decides to die by Paolo Coelho
Favourite movies of Tim Burton:
Alice in Wonderland, Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Charlie and the chocolate factory
Favorite movie director:
David Lynch and Tim Burton
Favorite TV programs:
Sons of anarchy, Homeland, Once upon a time, True Blood, Vampire Diaries and then the swedish Project Runway. Morning news, Ellen de Generes show and Downtown abbey,
Her 10 all time favourite movies:
Gladiator, Braveheart, Dancing with wolves, Titanic, All of the Harry Potter movies, Shutter Island, Jackass 2, Knocked up, Dumb and Dumber, Notting Hill
Favourite horrors:
She doesn't like splatter movies or movies with a lot of blood, like Terror på Elm street. She hate those ones. She prefers movies like Poltergeist and equal ones where there are more hauntings in them.
Fashion and clothes are really a big interest. She reads so many magazines a week and fashion blogs.
Her favourite clothes:
She shops a lot at Zebra, Cenino, Evy and Cirkus. She prefers the danish designers, Designers Remix collection and Malene Birger. She shops at PUB, Acne, Top shop and NK. The brands she has used for the last European tour is mainly Designers remix collection, Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Acne and Tiger. She loves the cleaner style in clothes and she like shorter dresses;=)
What happens with the clothes she used on DPP tour?
She has all her stage clothes in either a storage she uses or her closet. She uses some of them in between the tours . The others will be used in the future tour when doing promo, interviews, signings.
Her favorite make-up brands:
She loves MAC and buys it every time she's flying out for a gig. She also like Smashbox and Make up Store. MAC is the one she uses most on tour.
Her favorite hair color on herself:
Red gives pale face some colour and platina blonde.
She had her natural haircolor last time, since she was 17. She is born blond and blond is her favourite color on herself.
Anette with her boyfriend Johan Husgafvel of PAIN |
If she was stranded on a desert island, she would want to have Johan, Nemo and Seth with her.
Her tattoos:
Well, the one I have on my left arm that says: Leave me alone, has several meanings but as it says: leave me alone.
26 05 2008
I have Seths name on my right leg and nothing to explain about that;=)
I have my very first tiny tattoo on my right shoulder and that is the treble clef and that of course stands for me loving music.
The big tattoo I have in my back is a gift from the tattoo artist and its called "The songbird".
The tattoo I have on my left foot is about my faith and is a viking cross with the word "TRO" which means faith in english.
My tattoo on my chest up to my shoulder is also about my love of music and it is a big treble clef with notes on it.
On the inside of my right wrist I have a heart and I did that when I met Johan.
She did an angel tattoo on 1 V 2012 in Hamburg.
Her piercings:
Before she has had in bellybutton, nose and lip.
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2 piercings i eyebrown 3 in one ear and 2 in other ear |
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lip piercing |
She likes to go to museums, see castles and learn about the past times. New age and spiritual things are also very dear to her heart.
She has big phobia for bombs, balloons, pyros. She really dosn't like snakes or high altitudes either.
She really loves to sing when she feels a bit low and down a swedish song from a movie called Såsom i Himmelen and the song is called Gabriellas song.
Gabriellas song
When she is sad, she listen song of James Morrison "Slave to the music".
Slave to the music
When she is sad, she listen song of James Morrison "Slave to the music".
Her favourite non metal artists:
Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Andrea Bocelli, Faith Hill, Sarah Brightman, Duffy, Amy McDonald, Frida Hyvönen. First infuenced she a swedish singer Carola Häggkvist and Whitney Houston. She has also mentioned Sarah Brightman, Natalie Cole and Celine Dion as being her inspirations in singing, James Morrison.
Her favourite metal band:
Kamelot, In Flames, Slipknot, Pain
She has said she enjoys other metal bands such as Sonata Arctica, Amorphis, Tarot, Within Temptation . She has also noted that she is a fan of The Rasmus, and was such even before she released October & April.
Bands has she been listening to the summer (2011):
Black Lab, Lykke Li, Chisu, Lady Gaga, Pain, Delain, Within Temptation, Anathema
Her favourite band/vocalist/performer at the moment (2011)
Chisu, Black Lab, Alison Krauss, Lady Gaga
The best female singers:
She likes Sharon den Adel and Amy Lee
Her opinion about the album "The Unforgiven" (within Temptation):
"I like WT:s new album. It´s different from their former ones for sure but fun that they do something new and different. I especially love Faster since it´s so catchy. I also love how Sharon now uses her belting voice much more. Gives a rockier sound;=)"
She would like to sing a cover of a Within Temptation. She loves What have you done, Stand my ground and Our farewell.
She has first solo album of Tarja and she likes it. Her own song she wrote are just so beautiful.
If she could sing with other singer, it would be Sting and if Michael Jackson still were alive, with him.
She woudnt ever tought to realize one song in swedish. She has been singing in swedish before, in weddings and so on, but it´s not the language she want to use when she sings. She likes to sing in english so that more people can understand what she sing. She doesn't like to sing in swedish. It feels better to sing in english so that doesn´t feel weird at all.
And then being a swede in a finnish band works quite well. It´s a great mix to be swedish singer in the finnish band and sinnging english. Of course they are very different, finns and swedes, but there are also some similarities. The language problem are not so big more than when it comes to irony and some jokes. Irony is quite different between countries she has learned.
How many language does she know:
She speaks swedish and english. She understand and speak a little bit of french, german and danish, norwegian. She understands a little little bit of finnish.
Her official site made a guy from Denmark called Dimi. He has made the web site for the band Europe and than for Anette.
The hardest song to sing:
"If I am gonna pick one or two now I say Ghost love Scores beginning, since it is the head voice I am a bit insecure of and then Escapist, since it is so high in the chorus and lots of words;=)"
Her superstitions before going on stage:
She prays before she goes on stage and she also does this kinda "smacking" all over my body to get going.
Her most memorable fan experience:
Anette does remember one where a girl threw herself on the concrete before Anette's feet and just cried. It was quite in the beginning and Anette felt a bit "awkward" about it, but it was still of course really nice that she got so happy over seeing Anette. But Anette was worried about her lying there.
The cities, which impressed her most on tour:
Mexico, Osaka and Tokyo, Los Angeles, New York, Paris and Prague.
One of her favorite states to visit in the USA:
Seattle, Los Angeles and New York
Her favourite perfum:
Lolita lempicka
Her dream car:
"I love BMW and have had both SAAB and Volvo, which are nice cars, but after I bought my first BMW X6 I am hooked at BMW and will stick to that;=) Perfect family car too!"
Her favourite colour:
black, purple, pink
Favourites subjects in school:
English and Swedish
She is a christian.
Her shoe number:
She has 38 or 39 depending on the shoes. She has quite wide feet so if it´s a very narrow shoe she need a bigger size.
She's 1,69 m.
about "Eva" song:I felt when I sang it the first times. The lyrics were like they were written about me and the song is for me, really special. I am so happy it helped you too and I believe those lyrics hit more than you and me.
Which job did she have before Nightwish?
waitress, sales person, consultant, secretary, project assistant and hair dresser.
If Nightwish ended tommorow, what would she do next?
She would probably do music like now, but also do a "normal" job and she dreams of becoming a midwife so she would study to be that.
On the first photoshoots for Nightwish and half of the DPP Tour she had black hair then switched to blonde. Recently turned to black again. She did colour her hair black when she began in NW and that was something she was asked to do at that time.
She never thought about any other stage name from the start, but then she got the question from the management if she could use Anette Olsson since it´s easier to pronounce and then she thought Anette Olzon was nicer spelling.
10 favourite songs of Nightwish:
Ghost love score, Sahara, Meadows of Heaven , 10th man down , Cadence of her last breath, End of all hope, Nemo, Higher than hope, Creek Marys Blood, For the heart I once had, Forever Yours, Away, Dead boys poem
Favorite song of NW to sing live:
Come cover me, Higher than hope, Creek Marys blood, Romanticide,
What she likes for each member of Nightwish?
Emppu - he´s really kind, sweet, a good friend to talk deep talks to, laughing a lot, gives me good advices and has been my best friend since I started in NW and always support me and helps me;=)
Jukka - sweet, kind, fun, good with business things, likes to follow me to the gym, disciplined;=)
Marco - sweet, kind, empathic, a good listener when I need a shoulder to lean on, wise, calm and has a lot of experience;=)
Tuomas - sweet, kind, down to earth, warm-hearted, young at heart and in spirit, listens to me and calms me when I need it, a good leader, disciplined, a very special and good friend to me;=)
The best nightwish memory

She loved when they won the Echo Award in Germany, standing in Hartwall arena was amazing and all of the times we have been performing in Sweden are special to me;=)
Chaos Tube from Finland asked Anette Olzon , if she would like to ask something from Sharon and Robert (Within Temptation) an she asked them how they solve the touring with small children.
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