17 cze 2011


"Con te partirò" (literally meaning "With you I will leave") is an Italian Classical crossover song written by Francesco Sartori (music) and Lucio Quarantotto (lyrics). It was first sung by Andrea Bocelli at the 1995 San Remo Festival and recorded on his album of the same year, Bocelli. The single was first released as an A-side single with "Vivere" in 1995, topping the charts, first in France, where it became one of the best selling singles of all time, and then in Belgium, breaking the all-time record sales there.

A second version of the song, sung partly in English, released as "Time to Say Goodbye", paired Bocelli with English soprano Sarah Brightman, and achieved even greater success, topping charts all across Europe, including Germany, where it became the biggest-selling single in history. That version alone has now sold more than 12 million copies worldwide.

Bocelli also recorded a completely Spanish version of the song, titled "Por ti volaré". The song, under all three versions, is considered Bocelli's signature song.

SHARON DEN ADEL - perła muzyki metalowej

Sharon den Adel wywarła na mnie ogromne wrażenie jako wokalistka. Jest dla mnie niedościgłym ideałem. Jej głos jest wszechstronny, który zdaje się nie ograniczać jej samej.  W wileu piosenkach udowodniła i potwierdziła, że jest perłą. Pragnę nadmienić, że Sharon nigdy nie brała lekcji śpiewu !!! Jedynie poczyniła wyjątek przy nagrywaniu płyty "The hart of everything". W piosence o tym samym tytule śpiewa bardzo nisko. Aby mogła zaśpiewać niskie dzwięki zasięgneła porady eksperta.

 The heart of everything

Szczególnie co mnie zachwyca w Sharon to niesamowite emocje, które wyśpiewuje w piosenkach. Ona nie tylko śpiewa poszczególne dzwięki, ona je "zaklina" w emocje. Zawsze kiedy słucham "Our farewell" czy "Forgiven" mam gęsią skórkę na skórze. Sharon potrafi ze zwykłej piosenki zrobić dzieło sztuki. Uważam, że nawet z przeciętnej piosenki może zrobić interesujące wykonanie, które zachwyci słuchacza.

Our farewell


Jako 13 - latka Sharon należała do zespołu o nazwie "Kashiro".
Sharon opowiedziała bliżej o tej grupie w wywiadzie przeprowadzonym przez Chad Bowar.

"I was about 13 I met some guys who were in music school. They were about five years older than me. They were really into blues rock music. We did Van Halen songs and Journey songs and music like that. Then I met Robert (Westerholt) when I was really into grunge music. I loved Nirvana. He introduced me to the type of music he was playing and to groups like Paradise Lost. I was totally swept away by it and impressed with it and fell in love with it. I still love the bands that I knew before I started making this kind of music. Nirvana is still one of my favorite bands of all time, and I like listening to Bob Marley. We like all kinds of music, not just the music that we make. "
 Wcześniej Sharon była członkinią The Circle (działającej później pod nazwą Voyage) (1996) grupy, na gruzach której powstało Within Temptation.


 Głos Sharon doceniło wielu muzyków nie tylko z branży metalowej, m.in. Armin van Bruunen.
  Lista kolaboracji jest długa. Jak sami się przekonacie Sharon bierze udział w wielu projektach, które różnią się od siebie bardzo. Warto  zaznaczyć, że Sharon nie ma  bezpośredniego  wpływu  na tworzenie utworów, dlatego utwory sa bardzo zróżnicowane. Bardzo się cieszę, że Sharon bierze udział w różnych projektach i udziela się wokalnie. Osobicie 80% z jej dorobku kolaboracyjnego nie przypadła mi do gustu i to nie ze względu na wokal Sharon, a muzykę, która jest mało dopracowana. Też dziwi mnie, że Sharon otrzymywałą bardzo małe partie wokalne. Czasami były to tylko wokalizy lub zaśpiewanie jednej linijki jak np. miało to miejsce u Chrisa w piosence Stupid. Jedynie T Tolkki "pozwolił" Sharon zaśpiewać cały utwót, ale to tylko dlatego, że on sam nie śpiewa :-) , na płycie Hymn to life wynają wokalistę.
 W 1997 roku pojawiła się gościnnie w piosence Hear z albumu Bash zespołu Silicon Head.

Jest to najgorzej oceniany utwór przez fanów.


W 1998 wzięła udział w części projektu holenderskiego multiinstrumentalisty i kompozytora Arjen Anthony Lucassen pod nazwą Ayeron.
Sharon zaśpiewała w piosenkach  "Isis & Osiris," "Amazing Flight," "The Decision Tree," "Tunnel of Light," "The Garden of Emotions," "Cosmic Fusion," "Another Time, Another Space", które znalazły się na dwupłytowym albumie Into the Electric Castle, zaliczanym do gatunku rock opery.
 Album opowiada historię sin - fiction.  Oprócz Sharon na albumie śpiewa 7 wokalistów, który każdy z nich gra osobną rolę i gra 11 instrumentalistów. W rezultacie album otrzymał pozytywne recenzje i jest powszechnie uważany za najlepszy album Ayreon wraz z The Human Equation.

Akcja zaczyna się piosenką Welcome to the New Dimension, bez udziału Sharon.
Sharon pojawia się w drugim numerze jako Indianka

 Isis and Osiris 

W skrócie:
Po przybyciu Highlander twierdzi, że jest to piekło,a on musi zapłacić za swoje grzechy, podczas gdy indianka myśli, że jest to podróż. Knight wierzy, że są na wyspie Avalon i jest tam dlatego, aby znaleść święty Graal. Roman  wierzy, ze znajdują się w podziemiach w tzw. szczękach Orkusa. W końcu Egipcjanka ( w tej roli Anneke van Giersbergen !!!) wierzy, że są to pola Jaru, które wchodzą do holu Isis and Osiris. Roman desperacko wzywa Mars and Jupiter, podczas gdy Highlander stwierdza, że są zagubieni, ponieważ nie można rozpoznać gwiazdozbiorów, niezbędnych do wyszukiwania ścieżek dla wszystkich podróżnych. Wyczuwa, że "koniec jest bliski".

 Amazing Flight 

Głos namawia do kontynuacji, po czym Barbarzyńca twierdzi, że to miejsce jest przeklęte i musi zbadać tą sprawę.On uwielbia wszystko, co zrobił jako barbarzyńca. Tymczasem Hippie cieszy się z jego towarzystwa, uwarzając, że jest w osłupieniu polekowym.

Sharon pojawia się z wokalizą około 6.08  i znika  6.48.

Kolejnym utworami są Time Beyond Time,  The Decision Tree  - bez udziału Sharon.

Tunnel of Light

Sharon robi chórki Aneeke van Giersbergen.
Panie śpiewają dopiero od 1.04, a od 2.51 niestety tylko do2.53 słychać śliczny głosik Sharon.

Across the Rainbow Bridge - bez Sharon

 The Garden Of Emotions 

Sharon od 8.03 do 8.23

Valley of the Queens, The Castle Hall, Tower of Hope - bez udziału Sharon

  Cosmic Fusion

Sharon pojawia się w roli Indianki po raz drugi. Również można usłyszeć głos Roberta Westerholt (od 3.17)

The Mirror Maze, Th Evil Devolution, The Two Gates, Forever of the Stars,  Another Time, Another Space (Bohaterowie powracają do rzeczywistości.) - bez udziału Sharon  
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Schizo jest piątym albumem grupy Heideroosjes z roku 1999. Sharon śpiewa wokalizę w piosence  "Regular Day In Bosnia".

 Regular Day In Bosnia

2000 Sharon w duecie z Floor Jansen

After Forever - Beyond Me z płyty Prison Of Desire

Sharon wzięła dwa razy udział w projekcie Avantasia Tobiasa Sammeta.
W 2001  zaśpiewała w Farewell  na płycie The Metal Opera .
W 2002 żaśpiewała w Into the unknown na płycie The Metal Opera Pt. II


 Into the known

2000 zaspiewała na albumie Inside zespołu  Orphanage. Głos Sharon brzmi niesamowicie. Osobiście nie podoba mi się ta piosenka. Nie lubię takiego stylu muzycznego.


2000 - współpracowała z Paralysis.  Zaśpiewała w dwóch piosenkach, ktore są na płycie Architecture of the Imagination


Od 2.05

 Architecture of Imagination

W 2002 zaśpiewała z grupą Aemen.


 feat Di-rect, Erik Dikeb & Henk Westbroek - Zwemmen in de lucht (2001)

 Are you the one z płyty "Hymn to life" Timo Tolkki (2002)

Candy  (cover Iggy Pop)
Heideroosjes i Sharon na festiwalu Pinkpop w 2005

W 2005 roku Sharon została zaproszona do współpracy na rzecz ofiar Tsunami.

Artiesten voor Azië - Als Je Iets Kan Doen

Intro:Marco Borsato 0:12 Mathilde Santing 0:17Guus Meeuwis 0:23Karin Bloemen 0.34Tim di-rect 0:40Ilse de Lange 0:46Daniel Lohues 0:56Hind 1:05Laura Fygi 1:10Re-play 1:16Trijntje Oosterhuis 1:25Maud 1:31Edsilia Rombley 1:43Ruth Jacott 1:48Raffish 1:49Jan Smit 1:55Richard Kemper 2:00Men2b 2:01Candy Dulfer 2:07Marianne Weber 2:10George Baker 2:12Do 2:17Sharon den Adel 2:27Julian Thomas 2:31Sita 2:37Alain Clark 2.42A.Kamerling 2:56Chipz 3:03Jim&Jamai 3:11Brainpower 3:23AliB 3:37 Rowen Heze

  Als Je Iets Kan Doen - występ "na żywo" (01 08 2005)
Sharon w 2.17

   Delain feat Sharon  - No Compliance ( z płyty Lucidity wydanej w 2006)  

   Crucify - cover Tori Amos (z 2007 roku)
Występ w belgijskiej telewizji (De Laatste Show) 

 In and out of love z płyty "Imagine"  Armin van Bruunen z roku 2008

Na jednym z koncertów  na trasie "An Acoustic Night at the Theatre" (2008) w piosence Somewhere wspiera Sharon wokalnie Anneke van Giersbergen Obie panie zaśpiewały przy akompaniamecie The Metropole Orchestra i chórze the Pa'dam Choir na the Ahoy Arena w Roterdamie. Duet znalazł się na płycie "An Acoustic Night At The Theatre" wydanej  w 2009 roku.


W 29.10. 2009 na festiwalu "Night Of The Proms " zaśpiewała Sharon w duecie z John Miles cover Led Zeppelin Stairway To Heaven.

Stairway to heaven
Sharon pojawia się na scenie około 5.17

Boudewijn de Groot feat Sharon Den Adel - Meester Prikkebeen Live At De Vrienden Van Amstel 2009

Boudewijn de Groot & Sharon den Adel - Avond (live @ Vrienden Van Amstel Live)

Bart van der Weide, Henk Hofstede & Sharon den Adel - De Dodenrit

17. 06.2010 zaśpiewała Sharon cover Metallicy Nothing Else Matters i w duecie z  Nils Krake  cover Tears For Fears Woman In Chains na festiwalu  "Because I'm a Girl"  Amsterdamie.

Nothing else matters

w duecie z  Nils Krake - Woman In Chains

W 2010 pojawiła się na płycie 'Truth or Dare"  zespołu Oomph!

   Land Ahead

2010 zaśpiewała Sharon bardzo małą część w piosence Stupid Chrisa Jons. Od 1.47 do 1.52 .


 25 kwietnia 2011 ukazał się solowy projekt gitarzystu WT Ruud Joile solowym projektem o nazwie "For All We Know".
 Prócz gitary Ruuda, na płycie mozna usłyszeć perkusję Léo Margarita (z zespołu Pain of Salvation), bas Kristoffera Gildenlöwa (członka zespołu Dial, a także byłego basistę Pain of Salvation) oraz wokal Wudstika (który, co ciekawe, jest artystą tworzącym muzykę w bardzo wielu stylach i gatunkach, m.in. hip hopie, rocku i soulu). Nie brakuje także brzmień gitar Johna Wesleya (związanego z grupą Porcupine Tree) i Richiego Faulknera (który współpracował już z wokalistką Lauren Harris). Na płycie spiewają Damian Wilson (wokalista Threshold), Daniel Gildenlöw (z Pain of Salvation) oraz ... koleżanka z zespołu Sharon den Adel.

 Keep Breathing 

On 4 12.2012 Sharon sang the chorus of 'Het Meneer Konijn lied' to help Q-music raise money for a charity for children in Belgium. 

Het Meneer Konijn lied

W dyskografii Sharon podaje się jeszce dwa gościnne udziały. Niestety nigdzie nie znalazłam nagrań z udziałem Sharon :-(
Heideroosjes - Last Call to Humanity (Fast Forward)
Rosemary's Sons - Shine (All in Hand)

WIG WAM - Norwegian hard rock

  The band's slogan says: "Rock is the new schläger".

Glam (Åge Sten Nilsen) — vocals
Teeny (Trond Holter) — guitars
Flash (Bernt Jansen) — bass
Sporty (Øystein Andersen) — drums

In 2004 the band released its debut album "667 ... The Neighbour Of The Beast", which was also released in Sweden. Amongst other things, the album contains a cover of Mel C.'s no. 1 hit I Turn to You. After qualifying for the Eurovision Song Contest in Ukraine, Wig Wam are going to release their album all over Europe, in a new version called "Hard To Be A Rock'n'Roller…In Kiev", including the hit "In My Dreams". Among their musical idols, Wig Wam count the groups KISS and Sweet.

I turn to you

 Tell Me Where To Go 

In the Eurovision Song Contest 2005 Wig Wam represented Norway with the song "In My Dreams". The song immediately became a huge hit in Norway, being among the most bought singles for 19 weeks and peaking for three weeks at the top of the national single chart.

  In My Dreams

On the 28th of May 2005 Wig Wam were also special guests on the Norwegian Junior Eurovision pre-selection final, as well as on the Norwegian Eurovision-preselection of 2006 on the 4th of May 2006 presenting a medley of their Eurovision-entry "In My Dreams" and their new single "Gonna Get You Someday".

Gonna Get You Someday 

  In November 2005 the band released their first DVD 'Rock 'N' Roll Revolution 2005' showing the highlights from Wig Wam's best year so far. Included in this DVD is 'Wig Wam Symphonic'.
   In March 2006 the band released its second full album "Wig Wamania" with much better distribution around Europe. In July 2006 Wig Wamania was also released in Japan by King Records with 3 bonus tracks. By the end of August Wig Wam’s previous album also hit the Japanese market. The album’s Japanese edition with 3 bonus tracks is being slightly retitled to “Hard To Be A Rock’n Roller… In Tokyo!”.  

   At The End Of The Day
 Breaking All The Rules 

 Dare devil Heat 

The band released their third studio album "Non Stop Rock 'N Roll" on January 22, 2010. 
The whole album was recorded, mastered and mixed at Wig Wams personal studio in Fredrikstad, Norway. Wig Wam's guitarist Trond Holter produced the whole record.

Non Stop Rock 'N Roll
On February 25, 2010 the band began the filming for their debut single from the album "Do You Wanna Taste It", making it the first Wig Wam-single to not be released in CD format.[4] The video was released by Frontier Records on their official YouTube channel on March 9, 2010.

Do Ya Wanna Taste It

  Chasing rainbows

MERC 'N CEZIK - Forfiter Blues

12 cze 2011

EVA CASSIDY - album "Eva by Heart"

Eva by Heart is the debut album (third overall) by American singer Eva Cassidy, released in 1997. It is the first studio album released after Cassidy's death in 1996.

"Say Goodbye" 

 "How Can I Keep from Singing?"

"Blues in the Night"

 "Waly, Waly"

  The very last thing she [Eva] was working on was the song "Waly Waly." She wanted to put that on the end of the Blues Alley record, but we couldn't seem to make it the way she wanted it.

I didn't really like the song that much. It was a Buffy Ste. Marie song, I think it's a traditional folk song. I always made fun of it, I called it her "celtic favorite" which really made her mad because she loved the song. Now I think it's great, it's one of my favorites. That was the one thing I most wanted to do for Eva, out of all the things I could have done, I wanted to try to make things right since I had really said mean things about the song when she was recording it.
producer Chris Biondo in August, 1999 

"I Know You by Heart" 
I Know You By Heart" was written about someone who died and I think it was cancer, I don't know if it was a male or female.
 Eva did change one line of the lyrics, "I see your sweet smile" was changed from "I see your profile."
Eva's brother Dan added the violin solo to that recording when Eva was sick and he was visiting from Iceland, it was fitting to have him be part of "I Know You By Heart."
- Chris Biono
"Time Is a Healer"
"Wayfaring Stranger"
"Wade in the Water" 
"Need Your Love So Bad"

EVA CASSIDY - album "Live at Blues Alley"

Live at Blues Alley is an album by American singer Eva Cassidy, originally self released in May, 1996. This live album was recorded at the Blues Alley in January, 1996. It is the final album by Cassidy before her death.

Live at Blues Alley serves as a good example of Cassidy's eclectic tastes, covering classic and contemporary artists from Billie Holiday to Sting, including Al Green, Pete Seeger, Irving Berlin and more. 

 "Cheek to Cheek" 

"People Get Ready"   

 "Autumn Leaves"   

 "Fields of Gold"  
  Eva’s Fields of Gold was a popular radio song and record companies used it to promote her material and in 2001 Michelle Kwan danced to the music of Eva’s version of this song.

 "What a Wonderful World"   
   What A Wonderful World, the last song she ever performed live, retains one of the rare introductions on the album that wasn’t edited out in which she dedicates the song to her parents.
 "Stormy Monday" 

 "Oh Had I A Golden Thread"
  Golden Thread, by Pete Seeger, was declared by Eva as her favorite song in the albums liner notes and the song she felt had turned out the best on the album. It actually wasn’t performed live at Blues Alley but was prerecorded months earlier  

The rest of the songs:
"Bridge over Troubled Water" 
"Fine and Mellow" 
Blue Skies" 
"Tall Trees in Georgia"
 "Honeysuckle Rose" 
"Take Me to the River"  

The album inspired attention from audiences outside of her local following in Washington D.C.  Before and during the albums recording, Cassidy suffered many physical health problems, whose causes, at the time, were unknown. A month after the album was released, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer.  Unfortunately, she died three months later without experiencing the peak of her musical career, which would come after her death. "Her posthumous success," writes William Cooper, "has been astonishing, with worldwide critical acclaim and extensive exposure on British television that helped her album Songbird climb to number one on the British album chart in March, 2001."  

EVA CASSIDY - pearl of music, album 'The Other Side'

She sang jazz, blues, folk, gospel, country and pop classics. 

The Other Side is an album by D.C. go-go funk legend Chuck Brown and American singer Eva Cassidy. It was first released in 1992 by Brown's label Liaison records. The album comprises jazz, blues and soul standards and contains a mixture of solos and duets. It is the only studio album by Cassidy
"Fever" Eva's solo

 "Fever" with Chuck Brown
 Both version are very good.  
"Drown in My Own Tears"
"Over the Rainbow" 
I heard many version of this song, but Eva's version is the best.

Nobody seems to remember when Eva started singing "Over the Rainbow," but Chris Biondo says that "Eva had been doing that song for years. She had already recorded it once when she was in high school, I think it was Ned Judy who recorded it for her on his four-track. I remember we were driving to Ikea Furniture one day, she pulled out a cassette and she wanted me to hear 'Over the Rainbow.' And when we'd go places she would sing it in the car. A couple of times I had to pull over, I was crying so hard, it was brutal. It was all her own version. There was a note she changed that was really good, the word 'far,' she changed the note, it's better than the way Judy Garland sang it."

In the early 1990s, when the band was recording the album THE OTHER SIDE with Chuck Brown, Eva and Chris spent a few days in his studio working on "Over the Rainbow." The planned album would consist primarily of duets, but Chuck and Eva would each be featured on solos as well. Knowing that Eva's "Over the Rainbow" was something special, all the band members urged her to record that song for THE OTHER SIDE. Eva played every note on the recording herself, Chris Biondo says. "First she went in and played acoustic guitar, that took the longest. After she finished that, she did the lead vocal, and then the other instruments. We had a Korg T-1 synthesizer, which at that time was brand-new, the most sophisticated equipment. It belonged to Marcus Johnson of the Marcus Johnson Project. I was doing some recording for him, he had left it there and said we could use it. She hooked it up and scrolled through the different sounds, which are called 'presets.' Eva picked clarinet and several others, she played three or four different sounds for that middle section. She just played along and I kept rewinding the tape. That was the first time she really got into messing around with keyboards."

"You've Changed" 
   "Let the Good Times Roll"  
"You Don't Know Me"
"I Could Have Told You So"
"Gee, Baby, Ain't I Good to You"
"I'll Go Crazy" 
"You Don't Know What Love Is" (Chuck Brown solo)
"God Bless the Child"  (Eva Cassidy solo)
"Red Top" 
"Dark End of the Street"  (Eva Cassidy solo)
"The Shadow of Your Smile" 

Another track from these sessions, "Need Your Love So Bad", appears on the Eva Cassidy album Eva By Heart.

NATALIE IMBRUGLIA - Australian singer

Kiss me



Tiny Alien
I love this song. Katie has a wonderful voice. She sings so softly and charming. Good work angel!!!
The Flood 
 Musically, 'The Flood' is no less intriguing, beginning as an atmospheric, Middle Eastern-tinged pop ballad before morphing into something altogether sprightlier after a surprising mid-song tempo change. The result? Supremely elegant and subtly adventurous at the same time, suggesting Melua snipped those apron strings at precisely the right time.

10 cze 2011

RAY CHARLES - Hit The Road Jack

 Hit The Road Jack

DEF LEPPARD - English rock band

Def Leppard are an English rock band formed in 1977 in Sheffield as part of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal movement. Since 1992, the band have consisted of Joe Elliott (vocals), Phil Collen (guitar), Vivian Campbell (guitar), Rick Savage (bass guitar), and Rick Allen (drums). At nineteen years, this is the band's longest-standing lineup.

The band's strongest commercial success came between the early 1980s and the early 1990s. Their 1981 album High 'n' Dry was produced by Robert John "Mutt" Lange, who helped them begin to define their style, and the album's stand out track "Bringin' On the Heartbreak" became one of the first metal videos played on MTV in 1982.

The band's next studio  
album Pyromania in 1983, with the lead single "Photograph", turned Def Leppard into a household name. In 2004, the album ranked number 384 on Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.

Def Leppard's fourth album Hysteria released in 1987, topped the U.S and UK album charts. As of 2009 it has 12x platinum sales in the United States, and has gone on to sell over 20 million copies worldwide.The album spawned six hit singles, including the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 number one "Love Bites", alongside "Pour Some Sugar on Me", "Hysteria", "Armageddon It", "Animal" and "Rocket".

Their next studio album Adrenalize (the first following the death of guitarist Steve Clark) reached number one on the U.S. Billboard 200 and UK Album Chart in 1992, and contained several hits including, "Let's Get Rocked"

and "Have You Ever Needed Someone So Bad". Their 1993 album Retro Active contained the acoustic hit song "Two Steps Behind", while their greatest hits album Vault released in 1995 featured the new track "When Love & Hate Collide".

As one of the world's best-selling music artists, Def Leppard have sold more than 65 million albums worldwide, and have two albums with RIAA diamond certification, Pyromania and Hysteria. They are one of only five rock bands with two original studio albums selling over 10 million copies in the U.S. The band were ranked #31 in VH1's "100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock" and ranked #70 in "100 Greatest Artists Of All Time".Def Leppard continue to play concerts in stadiums, arenas and rock festivals around the world, and their 2011 tour includes special guest Heart.

THE BLACK EYED PEAS - American hip hop group

I don't like this kind of the music, but the have some songs (only 5) that I like. 

 The group is composed of rapper and multi-instrumentalist will.i.am, rappers apl.de.ap and Taboo, and singer-rapper Fergie. Since the release of their third album, Elephunk, in 2003, the group has sold an estimated 56 million records worldwide.

The group scored their first worldwide hit with "Where Is the Love?" in 2003, which topped over ten charts worldwide. Another single was the European hit "Shut Up". Their next album, Monkey Business was also a worldwide hit, certified 4× Platinum in the U.S., and spawning two hit singles, "My Humps" and "Don't Phunk with My Heart".

In 2009, the group became one of only 11 artists to have ever simultaneously held the #1 and #2 spots on the Billboard Hot 100, with their singles "Boom Boom Pow" and "I Gotta Feeling", with the next single "Meet Me Halfway" achieving similar success, from the album The E.N.D. Combined, these three singles also topped the chart for an unprecedented 30 consecutive weeks in 2009. The album later produced a third Hot 100 number-one placement with "Imma Be", making the group one of few to ever place three number one singles on the chart from the same album before being followed with "Rock That Body" which managed to peak in the Top 10 of Hot 100. "I Gotta Feeling" has become the first single to sell more than 1 million downloads in the United Kingdom.

In November 2010, they released their album The Beginning. The first single of the album was "The Time (Dirty Bit)". The song topped the charts in many countries. In February 2011, the group performed at the Super Bowl XLV halftime show. The album's second single was "Just Can't Get Enough" and it was released in February 2011. The music video was filmed in Japan one week before the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. The song was dedicated to Japanese friends.The third single,was "Don't Stop the Party" and it was released in May 2011.

  Hey Mama

Shut Up

Smells Like Funk

Let's Get It Started

My Humps